Thursday, March 13, 2025

Toolbox Talks

Safety Meeting Toolbox Topics and Tailgate Talks

Fire Extinguishers

Fire extinguishers are required to provide a second line of defense if a fire were to occur. Always call for help first. Fire extinguishers can control a small fire and prevent a fire from spreading when it is used properly and during the early stages of the fire.

Read more: Fire Extinguishers

Combustible Dust in The Workplace

In the past 28 years, about 300 dust explosions have killed more than 120 workers and injured several hundred more in sugar plants, food processors, and many industrial and wood manufacturers. In most cases, sound housekeeping practices and good occupational safety and health programs could have prevented these accidents.

Read more: Combustible Dust in The Workplace

Walking and Work Surface Safety

Falls represent the number one preventable cause of injury and death in the workplace. More than a million people suffer injuries and more than 16,000 people die as a result of falls in any given year.

Read more: Walking and Work Surface Safety

Combustible Dust

Most combustible dust explosions have two or more distinct phases. The fi rst explosion may happen inside processing equipment or in areas where fugitive dust accumulates. The initial blast may dislodge additional dust or damage a collection system (such as a duct, vessel or collector). If ignited, this dust causes additional explosions.

Read more: Combustible Dust

Slips, Trips and Falls in Nursing Facilities

Who would think that the worst injuries for nursing facilities are falls. But, why is it falls rather than back injuries? We make a greater effort to prevent back injuries, and we teach ergonomics with many versions of no-lift policies. These injuries are decreasing except for those based on an important variable – the resident.

Read more: Slips, Trips and Falls in Nursing Facilities